Counties For Kaylee

BELIEVE IN BETTER: Counties For Kaylee Initiative

As we gear up for the crucial November 2024 election, we are excited to announce a new initiative that will strengthen our campaign and help us connect with the voters in our district on a deeper level.

Introducing: Counties for Kaylee meetings, a bi-monthly gathering where we will strategize, share ideas, and work together to secure a brighter future for our community.

We believe that these meetings will be pivotal in harnessing the collective power of our volunteers, ensuring our campaign is well-prepared, organized, and ready to make a significant impact. Your participation is not only welcomed but crucial to our success.

Purpose of Counties for Kaylee Meetings:

  • Team Building: Get to know your fellow volunteers better and strengthen our sense of community.
  • Campaign Updates: Stay informed about the latest developments and campaign strategies.
  • Ideas and Innovation: Share your ideas and insights to help us improve and adapt.
  • Training and Resources: Access valuable resources and training to enhance your volunteering skills.
  • Engagement: Engage with voters in your respective counties and help us build a stronger presence.